Thursday, September 23, 2010

It's the 2 Year Sneakerversary!!! Come Join in the Fun!

In honor of the 2 Year Sneakerversary today, I will not be offering a half price item but instead ask that you all consider joining in on the 2 Year Sneakerversary Sneak Attack!!

That’s right, Sneak Attacks are about to turn two years old! The first Sneak Attack happened on September 24, 2008, and we’ll be celebrating the second annual “Sneakerversary” – two years of giving new/undiscovered Etsy shops a kindly boost – on Thursday, September 23, 2010, with a special Sneak Attack and a BIG giveaway of items generously donated by Etsy shop owners.

What is a Sneak Attack?

It's a way to support independent artisans who are trying to sell their wares online. Two days a week at an appointed time, an Etsy shop with few or no sales is announced on this site. As many people as possible then buy items from that shop, resulting in a frenzy of surprise business to the unsuspecting shop! Even if you don't have money, you can still support the attack by giving the shops chosen extra item views, shop views, item hearts, and shop hearts! :) It's a win-win situation for everyone involved!

Today's attack is special - it will be a "Sneakers Mall", which is where each of the Etsy SNEAKers (Sneakers Notorious on Etsy for Attacking with Kindness) nominates one or two shops, then at the designated time (which is 6pm Etsy time today!) the list is posted in the thread!!

To join in the fun, and to help spread the word, please join us at:

We'd also love it if you would spread the word in your own way - blog, tweet, facebook, or whatever! :) The bigger the turnout, the more fun we will have!

One last thing - there is a HUGE giveaway in honor of this Sneakerversary, and there is still time to enter! Over $250 worth of prizes are going to be given away at 5pm Etsy time today, and you have until 4pm Etsy time to enter!! Here's the information on entering to win:

I hope to see you at today's attack! :)

(and I also hope I win the grand prize! lol)


  1. well written - come on, everyone - join us for lots of fun and prizes!!

  2. Amazing stuff to find and win today, but you have to join in!
