Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My Etsy Treasury Made the Front Page!!

I love to make treasuries on Etsy, showcasing all of the talent that abounds on the site, but I don't often get the time.

However, I recently noticed that they were taking nominations for treasuries that would be featured on the front page, so I figured "What the heck?" and sat down for an hour or so to put together one that matched their themes.

Here is the link to the treasury:

Of course, I ended up missing when it was on the front page because it was earlier than I was online - about 7:45am Eastern Time - but thankfully I had a good friend at who managed to catch it and send me a picture:

It totally made my day!! Thank you to everyone who stopped by and looked at it, and if you didn't get the chance there is still time to see it!